Sift Features

Sift equips engineers with real-time insights to accelerate development, streamline data review, and ensure reliable machine performance.

Add Comments to Annotations


You can add comments to annotations, which will appear in the annotation log alongside key events like creation and status changes. When comments are added, the assigned person will receive a notification, ensuring clear communication.

Advanced Annotation Search and Filtering


Search annotations by rules, assigned user, or description. You can also filter annotations by time, displaying either all annotations or only those visible within the current time-series view. This improves focus and efficiency when analyzing specific data points.

Annotation Details Panel for Precision


The annotation detail panel allows you to filter annotations by type—data review or phase. You can switch between tabs for better precision when filtering, making it easier to manage large sets of annotations.

Annotation Email Notifications


Get email notifications when you’re tagged in an annotation comment, assigned an annotation, or when the status of an assigned annotation changes. To prevent inbox overload, notifications are batched and sent every five minutes when updates occur.

Asset agnostic rules

Rules & Monitoring

Write one check and have it automatically applied to all applicable assets, ensuring standard analysis and minimizing duplicated logic.

Assets and Channels Selection

Channels & Assets

Select assets and channels for plotting by using advanced search features such as case matching and regular expressions, enabling precise and flexible channel selection.

Attach Files to Runs, Annotations, and Comments

Collaboration & Sharing

Upload an unlimited number of files to Runs, Annotations, and Comments. Sift supports a variety of formats for images (.png, .jpg, .jpeg) and videos (.mp4, .webm), ensuring that you can include all necessary context for data reviews and collaboration.

Automate CSV Uploads with the API

Data Ingestion & Formats

Sift’s API allows for automating CSV uploads, making it easier for teams handling large volumes of data or requiring regular updates. This improves efficiency and ensures consistent data ingestion.

Automated Rule-Based Annotations

Rules & Monitoring

Set up rules to automatically generate annotations, choosing between review annotations for data review or phase annotations for event context. Assign default team members for rule failures to ensure prompt action.

Automatically Add Users to Your Organization

User Management

Users with your domain are automatically added to your organization upon signing up, simplifying internal user management and ensuring quick onboarding.

Ready to modernize your 
telemetry stack?

Contact us today to schedule a demo and see how Sift can help.

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